Saturday, September 10, 2011


"A mother's treasure is her daughter." 
~Catherine Pulsifer

Bethany is such an artist. 
Yesterday I wandered through my house just
photographing some of the paintings that she has given me over the years. 
I thought I would share them. 

Two of her Paintings in my Living Room

A self portrait with her brother, Ben.

At my request she copied this famous painting for me. 

Bethany painted this from a famous painting for me. She put herself as a little girl in the picture. I love it!

I love how she sees herself!  Mindful, Stubborn & Confident.

From her teenage years.... 

Gotta love the blue shoes.

This last painting is an underwater fantasy picture. 
I think it is absolutely fantastic!   
The next painting is not in my house. Bethany is still working on it.
Hopefully, I will have it in my studio soon and it will be for sale.
I am trying to encourage Bethany to pursue her art. 
Under the Sea

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Very Beachin' Pillow Project

I have been Collecting some "Arts & Crafts" Ideas. 
This one is absolutely GREAT! 
and there are step by step directions on the blog where I discovered this one! 

I am going to find one of these bleach pens. 
It looks totally COOL! 

Click on the link and you will find the directions. 
Following this are a few more craft projects. 
(I regret to say that I did not take note of where I found many of these..."Oops.")
No Sew Bleached Sand Dollar Pillow