OK, so when we added on this living room a few years ago,
Russ just wanted to get it painted and move in.
I did manage to paint the entertainment center a slightly different hue.
But the overall effect always made me slightly uneasy.
(Was I living in a rental house that I couldn't paint?)
“The creative person is willing to live with
He doesn’t need problems solved immediately
and can afford to wait
for the right ideas.”
~ Abe Tannenbaum
So here we go!
A few months back, I ordered some wallpaper, got a bunch of old paint
and poured it all together in to a new color,
put on my painting clothes and some music....
Below are photos and a few close-ups of my results.
(I am not done... I still am contemplating 4 windows that are along one wall
and what to do about them...)