Ok. So, once again I got this silly brainstorm.
Remember, I mentioned it already.... about doing a fashion show here in PeƱasco.
Well, we did it!
I got some simply wonderful people involved!
Casa Turquesa would be a great partner because of the similarity of our concept of "ReCreation" and recycling. So, Cathi, Dahlia and I sat down and put it to paper.
We decided on a location and we were so happy that they agreed!
Wrecked at the Reef... large area, nice stage, right on the beach...
great food and drinks and a completely helpful staff!
They gave us tons of space for our dressing room
and allowed us a lot of artistic freedom in making use of the space available.
PeƱasco Beauty Center was my first choice for make up and hair artistry.
And I was thrilled that Kit, Ashley & Iza agreed to help me.
The word of mouth advertising from all of our friends and clients was fantastic...
Pretty soon almost everyone knew about our little plan!
Each of our two shops got a nice write up in one of the newspapers.
Casa Turquesa in the November issue of the Rocky Point Times (Thank you Sandy Spain) and Off the Beach was featured in a great article on Rocky Point 360. (Thank you Sami)
I invited quite a few of my friends, local ladies & visitors to be models.
And, then I worked to find the perfect dress for each of them.
Manny volunteered to take photos.
Russ said he would be a carpenter & build some steps for the stage.
My wonderful friend Tamra volunteered to help me with anything & everything!
(Thank you SO Much, Tamra!!)
OK. so that is how it evolved. I designed a program and asked Russ to print about 75.
He said he would print 125. (Well, the estimate on the attendance was over 250.)
I am going to say that it was a success. A simply beautiful afternoon!
I certainly hope everyone enjoyed the day.
Here are a few of my favorite photos.
They are gathered from quite a few different albums.
Two hours before the show.
My models checking out the facility. |
Iza from Penasco Beauty Center "doing" my face (no wrinkles please) | . |
Ashley from Penasco Beauty Center making everyone "Lovely-er"!
The audience arriving. |
Ladies representing the featured charities: Esperanza Rehab Center and Mujeres y NiƱos Primero |
First, here are Casa Turquesa's 3 Collections:
The Consignment Collection from Casa Turquesa |
Cathi's Corner "Urban Renewal" Collection from Casa Turquesa
Black Dahlia's ReCreations also at Casa Turquesa |
Next: SweetNaomi ReCreations
from Off the Beach Workshop & Studio
SweetNaomi ReCreations: The Assemblage Collection of Tee-Shirt and Sweater Dresses |
SweetNaomi ReCreations: The Gypsy Rose, Flamenco and Swamp Dress all ReCreations |
SweetNaomi ReCreations: Special Occasion Dresses | |
Simply Beautiful. . . Nobody could have worn it better. |
Not quite everyone is in the photograph...
but I would like to THANK my models and everyone who assisted us!
Pictured: Glenda, Randi, Laura, Yazmin, Noel, Deisy, Brenda, Yaraise, Susan,
Karen and Ashley!
Not pictured, but thanks also to: Tamra, Iza and Kit, and Allison!
We had fun. I had fun.
(although I still cannot figure out if I was supposed to be on another stage)
Ha ha ha . . . I know you see the odd goose resemblance....
I know you are laughing with me....cuz I am still laughing.
OK well we had a great day
and after we packed up
we sat outside and put our feet up
and just enjoyed the view.